To avoid the end caller from obtaining your personal cell phone number, home phone number, etc, you can take advantage of the DISA feature. If you are not signed up for this, please contact us for details on how you can enable this for your account.
If you already have it set up, please follow the steps below:
1) Dial the DID (Phone number) given to you specifically for DISA.
2) Enter your personal PIN assigned to your account followed by the "#" key. Ext. 1234#
(You can obtain this by calling DAGI (611 or 888-704-5055) and speaking with our friendly staff.)
3) Once you hear a dial tone, you can enter the phone number you wish to call.
We advise that you test this by calling a number you can use to verify the proper caller ID.You may, at times, want to make a phone call from your personal cell phone, or other landline device for a company/business call, and do not want the end caller to know that you are calling from this particular device.
611 or 888-704-5055